Been working with LocoFi since the beginning of this 2020, first with the original module and then the 2nd Gen. The latter is installed in an older Athearn GP9, the former in an old Bachmann F9. After many emails (and always timely replies) from the LocoFi team, I got things running OK (video provided). But my crazy home network (two Access Points, Multiple Networks), caused all kind of havoc. After some rework, finally got the network simpler and with better coverage (3 WAPs, One SSID) and this morning brought both Loco's back on the layout. They started right up, no problems with the app (on Kindle Fire HD8) locating them. All seems good. My only issue is that they both run slower at top speed that they did in old DC mode. Now I have not done any calibrations with the speed settings (my laziness), that could be one issue. I'm also wondering if the older motors in these two engines just draw more power than the modules can deliver (at max throttle). My DC transformers can supply more than 12V to the track; but my clean power DC power pack for the LocoFI is clearly 12V (as measured by the multimeter). It's on my agenda to install a 3rd module in a newer (DCC Ready) loco, but have been sidelined lately accumulating a bunch of steam locomotives (LocoFI for steam would be a nice option).😀
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Simplify ••• WiFi ••• LocoFi™
!!! The new estimated ship date for LocoFi 3 is now February 2025 !!!
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Hello Ken, It indeed looks like a challenging install. Thanks for sharing the details. We appreciate it. It should certainly help others looking for a similar install. Also, looking forward to seeing the conversion to deadrail. Best regards, LocoFiâ„¢ Team.