I see in the specifications that locofi runs on 7-24 volts. My battery is 3.7 volts with a capacity of 3000ma. Will this work with the locofi module or will I have to add a step up board or something? I'm about ready to hook everything up so hoping I don't need to find room for another circuit board.
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!!! The new estimated ship date for LocoFi 3 is now February 2025 !!!
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Hello John,
The minimum working voltage for LocoFi is indeed 7V (for DULLHB) and 9V (for DDLLHA). So, you will have to add a step up board to satisfy the minimum required working voltage criteria. There's a few threads on here by other modelers who describe the way they have done it for their deadrail setup with a single 3.7V and what booster (step up) circuit boards they used.
Another, possibly simpler option would be to instead use a 2S LiPo, that gives you about 7.4V, just about right to get the DULLHB running (we use that for our deadrail demo setup at train shows) without any extra setup boards taking space (you just need to half the size of the 2S LiPo to make it same size as a single 3.7V (1S assuming) LiPo).
Best regards,
LocoFi Team