the colour coding of the wires from the wifi decoder what is each one for if anyone can tell me please
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Simplify ••• WiFi ••• LocoFi™
Hello kiwa,
Welcome to the forum!
The color coding is as follows:
RED, BLACK - Power (polarity agnostic)
ORANGE, GREY - Motor (test connect to see what makes the motor turn in the correct direction, it is polarity agnostic as well in the sense that you can set what is "forward" in loco config settings using the app)
WHITE - Front light (connects to the positive of the LED)
YELLOW - Rear light (connects to the negative of the LED)
BLUE - GND (common; connects to the negative of the LEDs)
Again, if front light is wired with yellow and the rear light gets wired with white, this can be configured/corrected via the app as well.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure that the motor is isolated before doing any wiring.
Hope that helps.
Best regards,
LocoFi Team