Simplify ••• WiFi ••• LocoFi™
!!! The new estimated ship date for LocoFi 3 is now February 2025 !!!
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LocoFi™ in Action
The Teasers
LocoFi Teaser 2 (in HD) - 12/28/22
TRUE multi train multi engineer
- Run as many trains from one device
- Have as many engineers run their OWN trains
CONSISTING with locos with drastically different motors
Track powered by an old laptop power supply
LocoFi Teaser 4 - The little steamer needs a little help - 07/30/23
A steamer and a diesel consist, ultrasonic PWM operation, auto sync'ed chuffs and ultra fine speed control
More Action
LocoFi™ at an Ops Session
Run from Mt. Shasta to Gerber
At Colusa Shasta Div RR and Walt's Trains and Electronics, Colusa, CA
(Walthers, GP9M, DRGW #5952)
Yard Switching
Bachmann, GP50, NS #6551
Bachmann, FM H16-44, Southern #2148
Rivarossi, GE U25C, CBQ #550
Athearn, GP60M, BNSF #132
Minor Dirty Track? No problem!
Demo run at the Carquinez Model Railroad Society, Crockett, CA
Thank you! We had a blast.
(Rivarossi, GE U25C, CBQ #550)
Deadrail with LocoFi™ 2 on a 2S LiPo
LocoFi 2 can work at as low as 7V which is ideal for a 2S 7.4V LiPo and more possibility of fitting together with the battery in the loco itself
(Model Power, RS-2, Santa Fe #2099)
European loco? No problem!
Contrary to what looks like, DDLLHA will fit even an older European loco with relatively large motor and very little internal space.
(Roco, BR 215)
LocoFi™ 1st Gen (DDLLHA) powered by a 9V battery
How about if you can fit this or a rechargeable battery inside the locomotive itself or in a trailing dummy?
(Walthers, SD70ACe, UP #8325)
How Slow Can LocoFi™ Go?
Watch this interesting video on the slow speed performance of LocoFi™ decoder module in older Athearn Blue Box locomotive
(Athearn, GP35, Burlington #989)
LocoFi™ at work in Tyco
Tyco making its run at the National Train Show, 2018, Kansas City, MO. Yes, LocoFi™ can bring it to life too!
(Tyco, GP20, Santa Fe #5628)
LocoFi™ Decoder Module
LocoFi™ Decoder Module:
Featured Installation and Demo
Installation and demo of CONSISTING of LocoFi™ decoder modules in newer DCC ready locos as demonstrated by John Abatecola of TSG Multimedia
(Kato, GE C44-9W, Union Pacific #9632)
(Intermountain, ET44AH, CSX #3262)
LocoFi™ Decoder Module:
Installation I
Installation of LocoFi™ decoder module in older Athearn Blue Box locomotive
(Athearn, GP35, Burlington #989)
LocoFi™ Decoder Module:
Installation II
Quick demo on installation of LocoFi™ module in newer Athearn RTR DCC-ready locomotive
(Athearn, GP35, Conrail #2289)
LocoFi™ Decoder Module:
Steam Tender Install
Installation of LocoFi™ decoder module in the tender of a 2-6-2 Prairie
(Bachmann, 2-6-2, B&O #2451)
LocoFi™ Decoder Module:
Replacing microSD card
A short video clip showing how to take out an microSD card for loading new sound files and then put in back in
3-D Printed Mount for Installing LocoFi™ 3 (DULLHB)
Make your installs super easy with this 3-D printed mount for LocoFi™ 3 (DULLHB)
LocoFi™ App
LocoFi™ App Update 2.30
Part 1 features overhaul of look and feel, emergency stop, auto stop on connection loss, multiple speed profiles, and many more...
Part 2 exclusively covers CONSISTING
When I first receive my module
How to quickly get set up and started with your first module
LocoFi™ App:
How to install LocoFi™ app on Android from Google Play Store
LocoFi™ App:
Adding Loco to Network
How to add a new locomotive to the LocoFi™ network
LocoFi™ App - Multi-User Multi-Train Engineer Dashboard
How multiple locos can be managed on one device and how multiple devices see them
Customer Testimonials
Customer Endorsement of LocoFi™ Operated Layout
LocoFi™ powered layout with 10 locos simultaneously powered by two simple power supplies. No complex network of cables or wires under the table.
Read the entire story: A Hearty Endorsement
LocoFi™ celebrates 100!
LocoFi™ celebrates John's 100th birthday. John thinks LocoFi™ is hands down! Very satisfied!
(ON, Canada)
Steam Action, Customer Endorsement
HO Scale Bachmann Baldwin Steam Loco Rebuild with LocoFi™
Customer Bench Test of Steam Functionality in LocoFi™ 3
Customer Install and Demo of LocoFi™
Everything you ever wanted to know about using batteries on a HO scale layout
Presented by: Ken Myers
Customer Layout powered by LocoFi™
One of the beautiful and our favorite layouts
Courtesy: Black Creek Industrial Terminal and Newport Northern railways
(ON, Canada)
Contains a beautiful example of
Customer Install and Demo of LocoFi™
A battery powered / DEADRAIL large layout under construction and equipped with LocoFi™
Courtesy: Richard Garthe
Customer Install and Demo of LocoFi™
in this unique French Locomotive CC7000
Courtesy: (Karl, Sweden)
Customer Install and Demo of LocoFi™
Installation of LocoFi™ in a European style D342 OM 3001 DCC ready locomotive
(Milan, Italy)
LocoFi™ powers this Swiss E-Loco with CUSTOM SOUNDS
Download Sound files for Swiss E-Loco Re 4/4 I
(Courtesy: Reto Huber, Switzerland)
Lionel Ready to Play with LocoFi™
Link to the project:
O Scale Battery powered (DEADRAIL) with CUSTOM SOUNDS that just sound "real"
Courtesy: David Mahan
LocoFi™ on a modular club layout
Link to install:
Courtesy: Charles Hepperle
Club: '20s, '30s And Beyond
LocoFi™ in O Gauge
Rated for 2A motor current, DDLLHA can handle O gauge equipment easily. Default speaker was replaced with a larger one for optimum sound.
(S-2, Pennsylvania #5648)
LocoFi™ in G Scale
LocoFi™ equipped O Gauge Weaver RS3 3-rail diesel locomotive that is in the process of being converted to a 2-rail RS2. It is DEADRAIL fitted with 12V LiPo battery and single NWSL Stanton drive. LocoFi™ 1st Gen DDLLHA easily handles the 9-car load.
Courtesy: Black Diamond Society of Model Engineers, Bethlehem PA
LocoFi™ in G Scale
Customized to support higher motor current by driving an external H-bridge from the LocoFi™ motor outputs, it is possible to power any larger scale easily with LocoFi™. Custom sound for horn (Does it sound more realistic?).
(GP 38-2, Santa Fe)
LocoFi™ in S Scale
This Amtrak FP40PH is powered by LocoFi™ Generation 1 (DDLLHA) module. Rated for 2A, it is adequate for most S Scale diesels with sounds coming from the default included speaker.
LocoFi™ - WiFi Model Train Control
Promo Video
LocoFi™ presentations and demos on Jim Kellow's (MMR) New Tracks
LocoFi™ presentations and demos on NMRA PCR Coast Division
LocoFi™ at the NMRA National Train Show 2019, Sandy UT
Watch from 40:30
LocoFi™ at the 2018 National Train Show in Kansas City. Live with James Wright of the famed YouTube channel JLWii2000.
Preview of LocoFi™ at the 2018 National Train Show in Kansas City by TrainMasters TV. Miles Hale learns about using WiFi to control trains using LocoFi™.
LocoFi™ App Update 2.20
Configure lights/engine direction, # of throttle speed steps, momentum and more
LocoFi™ App - Highlights of app update 2.10
Configure loco, haptic controls, app preferences and more
Downhill on Tehachapi - SDMRM
One of the most famous Tehachapi loop is re-created at the San Diego Model Railroad Museum